Thinking of Becoming a Foster Family? Start by Choosing the Right Fostering Agency

Thinking of Becoming a Foster Family? Start by Choosing the Right Fostering Agency

If you are interested in becoming a foster family, it can be overwhelming to work out where to start. Technically, as a foster carer, you will be self-employed, but you will need to work with a foster agency or your local authorities. As you will be working so closely with the foster agency, it is important that you find the right fit. 

Here are some of the things you should consider when looking for a fostering agency…

Step One: Understand the Types of Fostering Agency

There are local fostering authorities and there are also independent fostering agencies, it is important to know the difference.

Local authority services will work alongside (or as part of) the council’s social work department and they will select foster carers to work with them. On the other hand, independent foster agencies provide placements for children who the local authorities are unable to place. They do this by collating their own pool of foster families, who they vet, recruit, train and support themselves. 

The Benefits of Independent Fostering Agencies

Independent fostering agencies have their own styles, so with a bit of research you will be able to find a fostering agency that suits your beliefs and priorities. Independent fostering agencies are dedicated to you and the children they place, so they will usually offer strong support networks if you opt to work with them. Furthermore, they offer good financial rewards.

Step Two: Ask the Questions

Once you have a potential list of fostering agencies, you need to start arranging chats with them so you can get a better feel for which is the right agency for you. It can help to prepare for these chats, so you don’t forget to ask anything important. Some things to might want to know are;

  • How big the agency is?
  • Do they have a wide presence in your local area?
  • What is the staff-to-carer ratio?
  • Do they offer any training?
  • What is their allowance and how is it paid?

When you go into these chats you should be prepared to be honest and candid about your reasons for applying to foster. It is important that both you and the agency feel like you are mutually a good fit.

Thinking About Fostering?

We provide fostering services within most of the Local Authorities of Greater London, and also beyond the capital. If you have any questions about fostering, just get in touch and we will be more than happy to talk you through the process. 

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